The Cockermouth Beekeepers Association was re-established in 1960 as a Branch of the Cumbria Beekeepers Association (Cumbria BKA). It had existed before the war, but earlier records have not survived and it is not known when the Branch was originally formed. 

Membership of Cockermouth Beekeepers Association

Membership of the Cockermouth BKA is open to anyone who keeps bees, or thinking of becoming a beekeeper, or interested in bee behaviour and who lives within Cockermouth or its surrounding area.  New and prospective beekeepers may attend and participate in any of the activities organised by the Cockermouth Branch and will be most welcome.

On payment of an annual membership fee  members are entitled to attend all activities and social events organised by any of the other six Branches of the Cumbria BKA. Members of the Cockermouth BKA are also members of the Cumbria BKA and through its affiliation to the British Beekeepers Association, are also members of the BBKA are entitled to the full range of national beekeeping services and educational opportunities, as well as insurance for beekeeping activities that the BBKA provides – essential in these litigious days.

Members of the immediate family of a fee-paying member  (ie husband / wife/ partner / children) automatically become Family Members of the Branch and of the Cumbria BKA, and are entitled to attend and take part in all activities and events organised by the Association and any of its Branches. No additional fees are payable by Family Members, but they are not entitled as individuals to any of the benefits and services provided by the BBKA


Local Branches







Committee Members

Bill Mackereth
6 Whiteside Ave, Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 9AR
Tel: (01900) 825188


Ken Hodgson
The Rafters, Bellrigg Lonning, Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 9BX
Tel: (01900) 824998                                                   eMail:

Peter Weatherill
8 Green Bank Close, Prospect, Wigton, Cumbria,         CA7 2LL
Tel: 016973 21582  Mobile: 078300 44876                  eMail:

Mike Fitzgerald
Swallow Barn, Low Green Farm, Gilcrux, Cumbria,        CA7 2QX
Tel: (016973) 20204

All fully paid members of the Cockermouth Branch are members of the committee