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The Carlisle Beekeepers Association was established in 1931 to promote beekeeping, bee health, and to help beekeepers through the dissemination of information and the purchase of equipment. Today our aims are much the same as they were then. We currently have around 50 members from north Cumbria and southern Scotland, and hold regular meetings and training courses to help develop beekeeping in the Carlisle area.

Membership of Carlisle Association

Membership of Carlisle Beekeepers Association is open to anyone

subscribing to the aims and constitution of the association

Membership Details

Subs for 2015 are due on the 1st January 2015

Membership ~ £25

Please make cheques payable to:

Carlisle Beekeepers Association

Please send subs with completed membership form to:

Dieter Gringinger
The Croft,

Tel: (01228) 513743

Membership Form

Click on the link to download the current membership form:

Carlisle Beekeepers Association
Membership Form

Standing Order Form

Click on the link to download a standing order mandate form for your membership:

Carlisle Beekeepers Association
Standing Order Mandate



Honey Bee on Willow ~ Walter McPhee
Willow ~ Walter McPhee

Membership Conditions

  • Current membership expires 31st December
  • Membership benefits only start after subs have been paid
  • Names will be withdrawn from membership lists if subs are not paid by 28th February
  • Membership of Carlisle Branch includes membership of Cumbria Association with the right to attend all Cumbria, and Cumbria Association Branch meetings, also membership and benefits of the British Beekeepers Association, including Third party & product liability insurance ~ But not BDI.
  • Individual membership allows for other family members to attend Carlisle branch meetings and events.
  • Benefits through membership to secondary organisations apply only to the first named member of a family membership, (e.g. BBKA insurance and BBKA News, voting at the County AGM etc.)
  • Members can borrow beekeeping books from the branch library
  • Members details are used by the branch secretary, also names and addresses of members are passed on to BBKA for their secretarial needs and to National Bee Unit, Bee Inspectors, unless members specify their wish not to have details forwarded.